QUIZ: Baue deinen perfekten Sundae und wir sagen dir, wo du in den Urlaub fahren solltest!


Ice cream sundae

It’s almost summertime — have you planned your big vacation yet? It’s hard to decide between all the exciting options out there. We’ll make it easy on you. Build your perfect sundae and our exclusive  Ice Cream Vacation-ator will predict exactly where you should go.

  1. 1: First things first. What are you building your sundae in?
    Oh je! Bitte wähle eine Antwort aus!
  2. 2: Which flavour do you start with?
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  3. 3: You’ll need a second flavour. Which one goes in next?
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  4. 4: What’s your first topping?
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  5. 5: What’s going on next?
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  6. 6: And next?
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  7. 7: What’s your whipped cream approach?
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  8. 8: What are you garnishing your perfect sundae with?
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  9. 9: What are you going to use to eat your creation?
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  10. 10: Do you snap a photo for Instagram before you dig in or nah?
    Oh je! Bitte wähle eine Antwort aus!